
4. Introduction to ERP Training was Held in Login Software

As Login Software, once again blazing the trail on our journery where we set off with the motto "There will be no students left who graduate before seeing ERP software", we launched Introduction to ERP training sessions and held the fourth session on July 3-4,2018.

Two-day training was customized to students and recent graduates of Departments of Engineering or Economics and Administrative Sciences. Following the presentation "Intro to ERP Systems" in the scope of the Introduction to ERP Training, hands-on training was given through Login ERP Finance, Inventory Management, Sales, Procurement, Production and Shipment modules.

As per the content of the training, customer and seller accounts were created; necessary procurement processes were completed; a product was manufactured and this product was sold. Over the Finance module, customer and seller current accounts were opened. Over the Inventory Management module, inventories and product tree were created for the finished product that would be manufactured and sold and inventories for semi-finished product and raw materials were created. Over the Procurement module, procurement orders were created for semi-finished products and raw materials. The procurement order was completed after dispatch note and invoices were issued and entry of relevant inventories (inputs) to warehouse. After a product tree was defined in the system, sales order was entered for finished product that we would manufacture over the sales module. Manufacture of the approved finished-product order was completed after the necessary routes were defined. After dispatch note and invoice were issued based on the sales order, exit of finished products from warehouse was arranged and sale was completed successfully.  

İrem Erdoğan, Ayşe İrem Pınar and Aleyna Can, all students from the Department of Industrial Engineering, and Gamze Işık, a graduate from the Department of Industrial Engineering and Tahsin Gökmen, a graduate from Department of Business Administration, participated in the training held on July 3-4, 2018 under the supervision of Rana Coşkun and Betül Moran.

At the end of the training, Levent Sılay, Board Member at Login Software, presented certificates of participation to the participants.