
En-ERP 30 has been Launched at The Anadolu University

En-ERP 30®, the thirtieth leg of En-ERP® events and launched through the joint forces of Login Software and Industrial Engineering Platform under the motto "There will be no industrial engineering students left who graduate before seeing ERP software!" was held on April 2nd, 2018, Monday with the organization by Anadolu University Industry and Efficiency Club.

During the event where high participation was achieved thanks to the intensive and devoted efforts of the presidents of Anadolu University Industry and Efficiency Club Ömer Kabalay and Betül Ulupınar, Board Member Esra Kadah and other board members; Eurodecor ERP Director Mehmet Bayrakdar shared some valuable information about the benefits of ERP to businesses in addition to descending to the particulars of the ERP concept. Providing an overview of the ERP modules, Mehmet Bayrakdar also shared statistics on the general average of numerical improvements in companies implementing ERP.

Mehmet Bayrakdar started his presentation with the details of subjects, such as what is ERP, where it is used, what its purpose is and how important it is. Subsequently, in parallel to sharing how some products are managed from design to production through ERP, he exchanged ideas with students about an example project by explaining how ERP works in the walk. He mentioned the benefits of ERP to Eurodecor, and after talking about the experience he had with the company, he gave advice on the future issues that need to be taken into consideration.

After the presentation of Mehmet Bayrakdar, Ahmet Savaş Göktürk shared his presentation featuring special photographs on the work processes of an enterprise operating in the manufacturing industry and exemplary machinery, starting from the raw material input with barcodes to packaging, storage and transportation, including production band, with the students. Göktürk, who shared the benefits of using a handheld terminal to businesses and business processes, also provided examples of the importance of machine and ERP integrations.

Subsequently, the entire work flow from order placement to production, including variable order entry, order approval process, procurement, inventory management, production planning, product trees, work orders, work stations, operations and routes was shared with the students via Login ERP® software.

Also talking about IOT technologies in a part of his presentation, Mr. Göktürk also informed students with examples of PLC, HMI, MES, Scada and APC from sensors and machines depending on the Industry 4.0 pyramid.

Ahmet Savaş Göktürk, who informed the students about the definition and scope of Business Intelligence (BI), its benefits and its importance immediately after the live Login ERP® demo, also showed real dashboard screens in the fields of Order, Order Detail, Invoice, Accounting and Cluster analysis for the review of the students.

After demos on ERP and BI, Ahmet Savaş Göktürk, who also prepared and applied two tests that could be accessed via smart phones, created a good perception on the students and offered high-quality listening opportunity, instantly obtained the results of both tests from the system and initiated the process for the preparation of Achievement Certificates in order to be delivered to students who got a score of 75 or above.

In parallel with the presentation of the famous Eskişehir Met Helvası and special refrigerator magnet gifts symbolizing Eskişehir together with the plaques, the event was completed after the collective photo shoot.