
Lazzoni Furniture Made its Continent-Independent Technological Investment Through Web Login ERP

Lazzoni Furniture, a company engaged in custom-made furniture manufacturing, has implemented the ERP phase of the Lazzoni Franchise project, which was developed via Login Software ERP with Login Software that aims to increase the business management performances of companies and ensure that they are always ready for changing business conditions.

We had an enjoyable interview on Login Web ERP with Ömür DEMİR, Planning Manager in Lazzoni Furniture, Mehmet EROĞLU, ERP Expert in Lazzoni Furniture, and  Ahmet Savaş GÖKTÜRK, Login Software Business Solutions Manager, under this project.

What are the benefits of Login Web ERP project to Lazzoni Mobilya?

Mehmet EROĞLU: Since we consider and approach our dealers as our own branches, we developed a module in 2016 to allow them to manage themselves via an easily accessible single system. Since dealers did not have any warehouse on the system before Login WEB ERP, the forwarded goods left the factory or warehouse as stock out and of course, they could not be tracked thereafter.

What was the level of use of ERP by the dealers before the project?

Mehmet EROĞLU:After the dealer enters the order, the order received by the factory order acceptance unit is delivered to the production following the approval process. The products from production are delivered with barcodes to the warehouse and shipped to the dealer along with delivery note as sales. Since dealers did not have any warehouse on the system before Login WEB ERP, the forwarded goods left the factory or warehouse as stock out and of course, they could not be tracked thereafter. In other words, products are shipped and since there was no dealer warehouse on the system, products sent to the dealer warehouse were delivered to customers under the control of dealer.

How the new system is designed to run on Login Web ERP?

Ömür DEMİR: Order entry is divided into two such as sales order for customer (sales order reservation) and order for showroom or stock (free stock order).

What is the advantage of dividing the order entry into two?

Ömür DEMİR: Categorizing the order entry logic into two makes it possible for the dealers to make the most preferred stock sale. At the order entry phase, it is now possible to see how much free stock is available for any entered product in the stock. Thus, they are able to display the products that are available as free stock in their warehouses and make reservation on behalf of their customers.

How does Sales Order screen operate in Login Web ERP (workflow)?

Ömür DEMİR: Since the prices determined by the dealer and the factory are different from the retail sale (the difference between the purchase price in the factory and the product sale price), the dealers could not track the prices of the sales they made and the prices of the products they bought in a single system. This was achieved by taking the customer orders over the Lazzoni sale price list and delivering the approved orders to Lazzoni over the dealer purchase price list.

Could you give an example on this?

Ömür DEMİR: For example, our dealer sells the product A and enters the order for the customer and makes the customer sign the order contract for 100 TL. When this order is approved, an automatic purchase order is opened and product A starts to come to the factory as 70 TL over the dealer price list. The automatic purchase order that appears on the dealer’s screen appears as a normal sales order at the headquarters. One of the most important aspects of the project here is the creation of a "configurable purchase price list".

How did the process run before Login Web ERP Sales Order Screen?

Ömür DEMİR: When the products received from production were transferred to dealer’s warehouse, tracking via barcode was not possible. They did not have the opportunity to access data such as which lot of product was delivered to which customer and when in retrospective analyses. This problem was eliminated when barcodes can be tracked both manually via Login Web ERP and hand terminal on the field for stock transactions created with the barcode system and hand terminal used by the factory. Products shipped with the delivery note from the factory can be entered into the warehouse on the lot and package basis via Login Web ERP with their bill of parcels.

What are the advantages offered by Login Web ERP Bill of Parcels feature to you?

Mehmet EROĞLU: Products that are delivered to the dealer's warehouse can now be forwarded after their bill of parcels is issued via Login Web ERP when the time comes. In addition, for example, when the stores in the United States entered the order, delivery (carriage) fee is automatically determined based on the tax bracket and the distance between the central warehouse and delivery address of the customer according to their zip code.

Speaking about the project, Ahmet Savaş GÖKTÜRK said: "Lazzoni has a large volume such that 480 incoming and 480 outgoing packages are processed daily, which corresponds to 130 business modules per day." GÖKTÜRK also noted, "Lazzoni entered the US market in 2009 and it is now a Turkish furniture brand with three stores in New York and plans to reach Canada and Colombia in the upcoming period and aims to increase the number of stores in America to 10, and it will open new stores in 2018 in Miami, which draw great interest of Turks." He also said that Lazzoni was aware of the fact that such extensive and continent-independent growth could be strengthened with technological infrastructure and ERP leg of Lazzoni Franchise project developed by Lazzoni via Login Web ERP has no other examples in our country and this project will set a good example for others.

Remarking that they were further developing the project with each passing day, Ömür DEMİR thanked to Login Software that had always been supportive with their contributions to business processes of Login ERP and Login Web ERP.