With Unlimited and Quota-Free Support

Your System is Sustainable and Always in the Optimum Condition

Do not let your software which ran perfectly at the beginning hinder you due to problems and by falling behind the time. With Login Maintenance and Support Services, keep your Login systems always up with regular maintenance and intervention before any problem arises and make them sustainable with regular updates. Always stay ahead of the competition.


How do we do?

While providing the best support for your business, we use Login Support and Maintenance module that we have developed and that was shaped by experience. After incorporating Login solutions into daily use, we offer support without any time limit. In addition to telephone, e-mail support and remote desktop connection, we offer on-site free support for the problems that cannot be resolved remotely. We inform you about new features and new versions of the solutions which are regularly updated based on the needs and changing market conditions and we enable you to switch to the new versions seamlessly. We provide detailed quarterly reports about our support services.

What do we do?

With our Support Department, which is one of the locomotive departments of Login Yazılım and which constantly evolves and gets stronger, we ensure your software to remain in the best condition as long as you use, and with high support time we devote to each of our customers, we give instant and one-to-one support for your possible questions and problems. By continuing to support your business processes, we allow you to take advantage of the new features that come with new versions and to ensure regulatory compliance all the time.